Taming Java Threads,
by Allen Holub.
an interview with the author
Of all the topics a programmer learns, it's been my experience that
the two most complex topics are recursion, and multi-threading. Both
require a different way of thinking about software, very much
out-of-the-box thinking. So if threads are getting you down, Taming
Java Threads is the book for you.
In Taming Java Threads, you'll learn how threads work, by
examining practical applications that demonstrate key topics and which
are backed up by theory. You'll learn about topics like mutex and lock
management, timer threads, synchronization, and thread pools. The range
of topics will interest both a beginner and an expert. But to my mind,
the most important topic was GUIs and threads.
Older books on threads completely neglect topics like GUI design and
Swing -- yet as Allen Holub shows in Taming Java Threads, threads
are essential to the Swing event-dispatch queue, and a knowledge of
threads is required to prevent unresponsive GUIs. The important
information contained within these chapters should be required reading
for Java developers. Without it, you'll write applications that can
stall and freeze.
Taming Java Threads is a great guide to thread programming. If
there is one flaw in the book I detected, it was that it failed to cover
non-blocking I/O as an alternative to threads. Whether you've just
learning Java programming, or you want to hone up on your thread theory,
this is the book for you. -- David Reilly

Taming Java Threads,
ISBN : 1-89311-5100
Experience level :
Beginner - Expert
