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Introduction to Programming Using Java
Version 3.0, Summer 2000
WELCOME TO Introduction to Programming Using Java,
an on-line textbook on introductory programming, which uses Java as
the language of instruction. This text has more than enough material for
a one-semester course, and it also suitable for individuals who want to learn
programming on their own. This is the third edition of the text. It covers more
material and has more examples than the second edition. It also adds end-of-chapter
quizzes and solved programming exercises. Previous
editions have been used in a course, Computer Science 124: Introductory Programming,
at Hobart and William Smith Colleges.
(The title of the previous editions included a reference to this course.)
This textbook covers Java 1.1. Most of the applets that are contained in the
text require Java 1.1 or higher.
Links for downloading copies of this text can be found at the bottom of this page.
To learn more about this on-line text, including usage restrictions and links
to previous editions, please read its preface.
Short Table of Contents:
This is a free textbook. The latest edition is always available, at no charge,
for downloading and for on-line use at the Web address
This edition, the third, is also permanently archived at the address
Downloading Links
Use one of the following direct links to download a compressed archive of this entire textbook. You can use
this material on your own computer. You can also re-post it in unmodified form on any Web server.
See the preface for more information on usage restrictions and for
full downloading instructions. A PDF file that can be used for printing the textbook is also
available there.
David Eck
(, May 2000